Tuesday 11 December 2012

Puppies and Potatoes

So this, everyone, is Polly!

Isn't she a cutie!?

She and Flossy are best friends.. 
.. or at least that's what she thinks..

I'm sure Flossy has another opinion !

But at least they entertain each other :)

Two days ago I was home here alone with 5 girls, my three and two friends from down the road. I was making dinner for all of us and when chopping potatoes I suddenly realize I was also chopping a finger. Thank heavens it was my finger, but still a bit annoying. So I clean a piece of nail and skin of the cutting board and knife and put a plaster on to carry on with dinner (it was fairly late and the girls were all starving). After a while I see that I've bled through the plaster and there are spots of blood on the bench around my thumb. So I clean it up again and put another plaster on. By now it throbs so badly I have to keep it over my head while cooking which makes things a bit more complicated. 

So after finally getting everyone fed the neighbor comes over to pick up her girls and I ask her if she could help me put a new bandage on. I still don't know in what shape my thumb was, and once I finally dared to have a look it turned out not to be that bad. Phew! 

this is what it looked like a day later, healing so fast! 

Bartenders and Babysitting

Whoa, time flies!

After my great time at the lovely Andersen family I was heading back to Rotorua. But before we get there I just want to make sure that it's commonly know that I beat the crap out of my host dad Tonni at Black Ops. (Yes, Tonni might have some objections to that statement but it doesn't count since he cheats, haha!) Just thought it was important to point out that I still do, to til this very day, hold the title as champion. Until we meet again at least.
As you can understand I've had a great time, the kids are amazing and their parents great. Looking forward to come down again and visit!

So I left Andersen family and went to Auckland for a few days.
You can see the Skytower in the background. In the picture I'm sitting at Mt Eden, which happens to be a dead volcano.. kinda cool aye?

Met some nice people including a guy called Steve who gave me a ride from the airport to town. He was so sweet and looking after me, and the next day I was txting him and mentioned that I was starving since I forgot to eat lunch. So he orders me a pizza online and gives me an address.. just like that!
It might seem like just a nice gesture but it made my whole stay in Auckland, and I ate it all somehow!

After Auckland I took a but to Rotorua where I started WFA-ing at LavaBar! (WFA- working for accommodation) so I'll be staying at the Base until Christmas, coming out to Murupara to babysit once a week to earn some money for food and other kinda important stuff. Working at LavaBar is great, me and the crew's been going out having fun after closing the bar basically every night so far. I'm missing out on some sleep since I would come back to my backpacker between 2 and 9 am. But I'm having a blast and it's only for a few weeks. Plus, I get to see much more of my friends since I live in town now, which is awesome!

Me and CC went to Hot n Cold;
Yay, looking forward to go there again. Next time I'm not driving tho!

Doing the Zorb!

Wiie that was fun as!

Matt's place, with the fat cat Friggles!

Then after one and a half week in town I went back to see my wonderful kids! Hadn't seen them in a month and they were almost as happy to see me as I was to see them. Which means they were very very happy.

That's about it folks!