Tuesday 11 December 2012

Puppies and Potatoes

So this, everyone, is Polly!

Isn't she a cutie!?

She and Flossy are best friends.. 
.. or at least that's what she thinks..

I'm sure Flossy has another opinion !

But at least they entertain each other :)

Two days ago I was home here alone with 5 girls, my three and two friends from down the road. I was making dinner for all of us and when chopping potatoes I suddenly realize I was also chopping a finger. Thank heavens it was my finger, but still a bit annoying. So I clean a piece of nail and skin of the cutting board and knife and put a plaster on to carry on with dinner (it was fairly late and the girls were all starving). After a while I see that I've bled through the plaster and there are spots of blood on the bench around my thumb. So I clean it up again and put another plaster on. By now it throbs so badly I have to keep it over my head while cooking which makes things a bit more complicated. 

So after finally getting everyone fed the neighbor comes over to pick up her girls and I ask her if she could help me put a new bandage on. I still don't know in what shape my thumb was, and once I finally dared to have a look it turned out not to be that bad. Phew! 

this is what it looked like a day later, healing so fast! 

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