Monday 19 November 2012

about-time updates

wow, so there's been a lot going on the last month!

Firstly I agreed with my host family not to stay with them until Christmas. I had planned to go down to the Andersen family (where we stayed during the south island trip) to help out while Fiona did a wedding photo shoot in Bali.

And after a week here they asked me if I wanted to stay a little longer, which indeed I did! (going back to being homeless, unemployed and without a car was tempting, but I decided to stay here).

more pictures are coming up soon, once I learn how to handle these MACs .. confusing stuff!


  1. Lovely to hear from you! And what a beautiful photo! I saw in the paper that there has been a small volcano eruption in the middle of the north island - must have been close to your first family...Did you see it?
    Love, aunt Maria

    1. Hi, thank you I agree, the scenery overall in NZ is just stunning, but this place is probably one of the most beautiful places I've seen so far. Especially when the sun came out, the colors of the sky and the sea.. inspiring!
      I am still on the south island, but the "eruption" was only a tiny one and no harm done to anyone as far as I'm concerned. The one we had earlier this year was a lot bigger, but even so no real danger :)
      Glad to hear from you, hope everything is great with you guys!
