Monday 8 October 2012

Ice-skating and Pool

Ella came with us to Dunedin, staying a night with Michelle's mum.
I took Ella and MacLeay ice-skating. Heaps of fun and they
were both very impressed by my wobbly attempts to move forward!
The ice-sparkling trio <3

Ella and MacLeay, quickly getting the hang of skating

We underestimated the coldness of the rink, so I took a break giving my scarf to MacLeay.. 

..and my sweatshirt to Ella! 

In the evening I stayed a night at a Backpackers and met some nice people. This is a Taiwanese girl called Yen Ching Lu who I shared dormitory with. We had a lot of fun playing pool at the pool-house. 

I'm really not that good, but I keep learning!

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