Monday 8 October 2012

Steep streets and skipping men

The morning after my night at the backpackers me and Colin, an Irish guy who also stayed there, went to the steepest street in the world. It is Boldwin Street and man, it is really steep. Of course we had to go up it and take some cool pictures :)


Colin having a well deserved break at the top. You can see my bottle of water on the rubbish bin, I forgot it there and realized it halfway down.. no I did not walk up that hill a second time! bye bye bottle

Colin taking some pictures

This man was both hilarious and impressive. He went up and down at least 4 times since we got there, and then jogged away. The hilarious part was that he was skipping down the hill like a schoolgirl in an old american movie. Haha I'm laughing just thinking about it. So of course we had to take some sneak-photos of him :) 



  1. Wow, what a street! It sure looks hot, I guess you have summer over there now...You may feel good to think about the dark and rainy October storms you're "missing out" on...We miss the sun and proper day-light! Lucky you!
    I love your blog and all the photos. Keep up the good work!
    Love from auntie

  2. Haha it's lovely spring here. One day it can be really sunny and beautiful, the next freezing and rainy.. But those days are good for indoors activities, such as baking!
    I'm glad you like my blog :)
