Thursday 25 October 2012

Taupo and Huka Falls

So I had a weekday off and wanted to do something, so I drove to Taupo. From Murupara it's about an hour and a half and I thought it was about time I'd go there.

First I went to the Huka Falls.

 Here I met a really nice CS-guy (couch-surfer) and a German girl staying with him. After talking with them for a while I drove towards town and stopped at a lookout to admire the view.

and guess who I ran in to? Zoran (the CS -guy) again!

Since I was there alone I figured I might as well invite myself for lunch and we had a great time!

pretty cool place aye?

Kate and Zoran

Zoran has heaps of fun things to do in Taupo, mountain-boarding is one of them. You strap yourself into it, and either go down a hill or hold on to a kite and let the wind push you along the beach! 

From mid-November I'll be staying with Zoran and whatever other couch-surfers come along. Then I'll come back to Murupara and celebrate Christmas with my kiwi-family! A perfect deal really, because there is not too much to do in Murupara. Haha

1 comment:

  1. Visst ar det! :) saknar dig med, vantar fortfarande pa varan skype-date ;) <3
