Wednesday 27 June 2012

Packing and picture-taking

Today is packingday! Though I have unfortunately not begun yet. But hey, it's only eight o'clock..
The flight tomorrow departs from Kasterup 6:35, meaning we will have to leave the house at about 3:30. Wohoo? But we are going to Spain (20-35 degrees) so who cares? Wohoo indeed! :-)
Still, I really ought to start packing soon. To be fair, I have not been completely lazy today 'cause I have done some laundry so that I will have something to pack when I finally get my bum off the sofa.

As promised I also took some pictures of my new haircut:
This picture has also been set as my profile picture on Facebook (mainly so that people I talk to, who are in NZ already, will have a chance to recognize me IRL)

Just for you who read this, I'll add an extra picture. I kind of had a hard time getting any pictures that looked natural and not too blurry (my camera is not what it could have been, and as a true photographer I blame everything on my equipment..) Anyhow, I finally got a picture I was satisfied with, until I noticed that my dear little brother had sneaked up on me behind to get in the picture too. This is the result:
Beautiful, don't you think? Thank you Jonas, for making me look so pretty ;-)

Cheers people!

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Haircuts and slack

Today I went to a friend of mine in Jakriborg and got my hair cut! I like it a lot, now it's short. Haven't had short hair since I was about nine or something. I was going to upload a picture but it will have to wait until tomorrow. It's funny how some people are so scared of cutting of their hair, personally I feel that when I actually go get my hair cut (which is quite seldom) I want a noticeable change. I think I must have lost at least 3 decimeters and since my hair is now layered there was a lot of hair on that bathroom floor when we were done. It was rather comical actually, because I think there was more hair on the floor than was left on my head! That is what I call a haircut (and now you may realize why I don't cut my hair very often).
Apart from going to Jakriborg I have basically done nothing today, which feels great! I'm staring to get sick and tired of those crutches of mine, but a positive side effect is that I seem to be spending a lot of my time covered in cozy blankets reading. This, I think, is very good for me. Especially since I will be up and about a lot when I come to NZ. 
That's all for today, and I promise to upload a picture tomorrow. (Personally I do prefer blogs with plenty of pictures!)

Monday 25 June 2012

X-rays and magical rings

Now another day has gone by and I can't believe that I have only 7 days left in Sweden this year! On Thursday me and my mother is going to fly down to Madrid to visit Anna (my sweet sweet sister) and we'll be back on Monday. When looking at the weather-forecast for Madrid I can't help but smiling, it seems like I will actually get to experience some summer before I leave. It's a little funny, because in New Zealand it is mid-winter and it's pretty much the same weather ad here in Sweden. (it might be a couple of degrees colder, but not much). So at least I won't have a big problem choosing which clothes to bring, just ordinary summerclothes.. Haha
Anyhow, I spent half my Monday at a hospital (mostly waiting) to get an X-ray of my foot which I have had a lot of pain in the last couple of days. Fortunately there were no visible fractures so at least that is good news! Now the only problem is that I can't stand on my foot.. hopefully it will get better before Thursday so I don't have to bring the crutches to Spain.
Otherwise I have had a very soft day, almost finished reading "the fellowship of the ring" a book that I must say I quite enjoy! Tomorrow I'm planning on watching the movie, which according to me must be done before visiting New Zealand. Especially since I got a great
'lord of the rings, locating guidebook' as a graduation present from my dear aunt and her family!
Anna has arrived in Madrid now, and I'm just starting to realize that before long it will be my turn.. exciting!
That was all for today folks, sweet dreams.
Love Kicki

Saturday 23 June 2012

Midsummer and countdowns

Yesterday was midsummer, which was celebrated with family and friends. We ate (a lot) and had a genuinely good time. Today we have been enjoying yesterdays leftovers and  I even felt obliged to go jogging! Lovely :-)
Tomorrow it will be exactly two weeks left until I'm leaving Sweden. I still haven't fully understood that I am actually leaving, it's been a dream of mine for so long now. This is so exciting!
Love Kicki

Tuesday 19 June 2012

International drivers-licenses and insurances

Today I finally got my picture taken so that I could send in my application for an international drivers-license. Wohoo, I'm going to drive on the left side of the road.. Watch out New Zealanders!

The only thing left now is deciding which insurance I am going to need. And packing my bags. The departure is getting closer and closer, getting me both nervous and excited!

Hope everyone else have had as good a day as I have.

Love Kicki

Monday 18 June 2012

Travel partners and Guitars

My sweet sister Anna just booked her ticket to New Zealand. I will meet up with her the 25th of December in Auckland, and then we will have three fabulous weeks of exploring the two islands together! Luckily I will have had half a year to prepare and find out what not to miss and hopefully also try it out in advance! ^^
This year will without doubt be the best of all my years so far.

I have spent some time in the garden playing guitar. What a summer-feeling! I'm hoping that I will get to practice a lot in NZ, so that when I get home again I can impress people with my superior skills.. Or something like that.

Love Kicki

Blog-making and Travelling

Dear anyone reading this!
This blog has been created to make it easier for me to let my friends and family know what's going on while I'm working as an Au Pair in New Zealand. This was I can keep everyone updated without having to write a bunch of emails every week. Feel free to post any comments or questions you may have and I will happily reply!

For a while now, about five years to be precise, I have wanted to travel to New Zealand. Last year I realized that working as an Au Pair would be the perfect way to get to know the culture from the inside, have the possibility to stay abroad for a longer period of time and get to spend time with a welcoming family. In three weeks my dreams will come true and I will arrive at the airport in Auckland after a 26 hour flight. After a night at a hotel I will fly to Rotorua, which is where the family lives, and thankfully this flight won't take more than 45 minutes. Then my 6 months of work in New Zealand begins.

Love Kicki