Wednesday 27 June 2012

Packing and picture-taking

Today is packingday! Though I have unfortunately not begun yet. But hey, it's only eight o'clock..
The flight tomorrow departs from Kasterup 6:35, meaning we will have to leave the house at about 3:30. Wohoo? But we are going to Spain (20-35 degrees) so who cares? Wohoo indeed! :-)
Still, I really ought to start packing soon. To be fair, I have not been completely lazy today 'cause I have done some laundry so that I will have something to pack when I finally get my bum off the sofa.

As promised I also took some pictures of my new haircut:
This picture has also been set as my profile picture on Facebook (mainly so that people I talk to, who are in NZ already, will have a chance to recognize me IRL)

Just for you who read this, I'll add an extra picture. I kind of had a hard time getting any pictures that looked natural and not too blurry (my camera is not what it could have been, and as a true photographer I blame everything on my equipment..) Anyhow, I finally got a picture I was satisfied with, until I noticed that my dear little brother had sneaked up on me behind to get in the picture too. This is the result:
Beautiful, don't you think? Thank you Jonas, for making me look so pretty ;-)

Cheers people!


  1. hahah nice ;) speciellt ungen bakom xD

  2. denna ungen råkar faktiskt vara mycket Stilig i vanliga fall!

    elr hur kicki... Right ò.Ó ?

  3. Indeed! Jag får ta massor av nya bilder på dig så alla kan se hur stilig du är.. du som älskar kameror!
    Känns det bättre nu? ;)
