Tuesday 26 June 2012

Haircuts and slack

Today I went to a friend of mine in Jakriborg and got my hair cut! I like it a lot, now it's short. Haven't had short hair since I was about nine or something. I was going to upload a picture but it will have to wait until tomorrow. It's funny how some people are so scared of cutting of their hair, personally I feel that when I actually go get my hair cut (which is quite seldom) I want a noticeable change. I think I must have lost at least 3 decimeters and since my hair is now layered there was a lot of hair on that bathroom floor when we were done. It was rather comical actually, because I think there was more hair on the floor than was left on my head! That is what I call a haircut (and now you may realize why I don't cut my hair very often).
Apart from going to Jakriborg I have basically done nothing today, which feels great! I'm staring to get sick and tired of those crutches of mine, but a positive side effect is that I seem to be spending a lot of my time covered in cozy blankets reading. This, I think, is very good for me. Especially since I will be up and about a lot when I come to NZ. 
That's all for today, and I promise to upload a picture tomorrow. (Personally I do prefer blogs with plenty of pictures!)

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