Monday 25 June 2012

X-rays and magical rings

Now another day has gone by and I can't believe that I have only 7 days left in Sweden this year! On Thursday me and my mother is going to fly down to Madrid to visit Anna (my sweet sweet sister) and we'll be back on Monday. When looking at the weather-forecast for Madrid I can't help but smiling, it seems like I will actually get to experience some summer before I leave. It's a little funny, because in New Zealand it is mid-winter and it's pretty much the same weather ad here in Sweden. (it might be a couple of degrees colder, but not much). So at least I won't have a big problem choosing which clothes to bring, just ordinary summerclothes.. Haha
Anyhow, I spent half my Monday at a hospital (mostly waiting) to get an X-ray of my foot which I have had a lot of pain in the last couple of days. Fortunately there were no visible fractures so at least that is good news! Now the only problem is that I can't stand on my foot.. hopefully it will get better before Thursday so I don't have to bring the crutches to Spain.
Otherwise I have had a very soft day, almost finished reading "the fellowship of the ring" a book that I must say I quite enjoy! Tomorrow I'm planning on watching the movie, which according to me must be done before visiting New Zealand. Especially since I got a great
'lord of the rings, locating guidebook' as a graduation present from my dear aunt and her family!
Anna has arrived in Madrid now, and I'm just starting to realize that before long it will be my turn.. exciting!
That was all for today folks, sweet dreams.
Love Kicki

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