Monday 18 June 2012

Blog-making and Travelling

Dear anyone reading this!
This blog has been created to make it easier for me to let my friends and family know what's going on while I'm working as an Au Pair in New Zealand. This was I can keep everyone updated without having to write a bunch of emails every week. Feel free to post any comments or questions you may have and I will happily reply!

For a while now, about five years to be precise, I have wanted to travel to New Zealand. Last year I realized that working as an Au Pair would be the perfect way to get to know the culture from the inside, have the possibility to stay abroad for a longer period of time and get to spend time with a welcoming family. In three weeks my dreams will come true and I will arrive at the airport in Auckland after a 26 hour flight. After a night at a hotel I will fly to Rotorua, which is where the family lives, and thankfully this flight won't take more than 45 minutes. Then my 6 months of work in New Zealand begins.

Love Kicki

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