Monday 2 July 2012

Early mornings and Madrid

Hello people!
Just got home from a really great weekend in Madrid. Anna (my pretty sister) is working as an Au Pair in Spain and me and my mother decided to come visit her before I go to New Zealand(!). Unfortunately I'm not too good with technical stuff and therefore didn't manage to get my phone connected to the hotels WiFi, hence no new posts this weekend. But now I'm gonna make a post per day and then compensate my lack of activity with a bunch of pictures!

It began rudely early on Thursday, and here is the first picture taken on our trip:

Me and my mother at the train to Copenhagen, 4:00 in the morning! I decided to stay up all night instead of trying to get some hours of sleep (maybe it would have been wiser to do as my mother, well well). Since I started packing my bag about 22:00 the night before takeoff I guess I can only blame myself for missing out on such a detail as sleeping..

When we arrived in Madrid we met up with Anna (when she had finished her days work) and ate our first meal in Spain together. I must admit that I'm not completely sure why I'm looking so... surprised? But we got chips as an appetizer, and I'm my world, that is surprising. I also bought the purple dress I'm wearing on the picture.

It was really great seeing Anna, and after a long day and lack of sleep me and Eva (my mother) fell asleep without problems.

That's day one.


  1. Asså du o dina tekniska problem xD Du får sätta dig mer vid datorn och leta info om hur man använder vissa saker!! Och googla kan du väl? ;)

  2. Inte så lätt att googla utan internet Lina! ;)
