Thursday 27 September 2012

Stuff and things

Farrah with her cast

Baby Possum, now named Claudy, eating apple

Kicki made some really yum apple cake, from the Swedish "sju sorters kakor" recipe book :)

Friday 21 September 2012

Pancakes and homecoming

Yesterday I made pancakes for breakfast for my big girls, and was stunned to hear they had never eaten pancakes before. Marnie saw me and shouted to MacLeay; we're getting pancakes, REAL pancakes!
So we had an awesome breakfast together :)

We got sugar and syrup everywhere, and it was totally worth it.

Farrah is finally coming home today. After a 3hour surgery and two nights at hospital I can't wait to go to Rotorua and pick her and Michelle up. She ought to be grumpy and bossy, but I couldn't care less. Talked with her on the phone yesterday and she sounded so confused and sad. Poor wee girl.

I've been working heaps this week, trying my best to help out as much as I can during this family crisis. Feels good to be able to contribute to my kiwifamily! I'm happy today, as usual.

Look, I even made myself a new singlet. It used to be my XXL Lund Superbowl T-shirt. Haha 

I'm off to pick up my little girl, Cheers!

Thursday 20 September 2012

Baby Possum and Therapy Baking

We adopted a Baby Possum yesterday, he/she is really cute and hopefully we'll be able to keep him/her as a pet.

My newest mate!

This morning they called from Kindy, Farrah had fallen and hurt her arm badly. She's been with Michelle at hospital in Whakatane, and then moved to Tauranga and is currently in surgery. I've been so worried about her, and before I know how things were going I just walked around not knowing what to do. So I started baking. And baking. It was a good therapy..

Here's some coconut tops and some check-board cookies. yum

And chocolate muffins with chocolate chips (made for lunchboxes) the girls helped me decorate them! Pretty, aye?

Then we went on daddy's tractor and played bus, MacLeay was the bus driver!

Redwood forest and coffee group

Went to Redwood forest with Farrah and the coffee group (Au Pair Link), what an amazing place! gonna have to take all the kids there one day! :)
Julia and her boy Scotty

Rikke climbing the trees

Farrah can too!

Farrah and Julia standing on the roots of a massive one

Cool pond, and Farrah posing for picture

So cool..

..I had to take more pictures..

And in the other end, it had this beautiful blue color

These trees make you feel quite small

Samira and her little boy

Farrah, Sandra and Scotty being silly

Just the view on our way home..

wow, I love New Zealand!

Awesome weather and Playing beach

After babysitting all evening, night and morning I was a bit tired.. Farrah woke me 1:30 am and 3 am, but apart from that I did at least sleep well.

Before Michelle and Jimmy came back I vacuumed the house, did some gardening, did 3 loads of washing, tidied the kitchen and cleaned the lounge. Oh and swept the concrete. Then I did some exercising on top of that ^^

After picking the kids up we played beach!

Getting ready!

Cool girl!

Our Beautiful beach


Me and Farrah

Haha sweetie!

Monday 17 September 2012

Birthdays and Play Dough

Farrah and me playing with the home made Play Dough

Painting some sticks to use in the game.

And this is the result. Imagination, is a great thing!

This is Michelles B-day card from her mother-in-law. haha

This is my present to her, the kids helped me put the hearts up.. :) she also got a bottle of Swedish vodka

Cheers people!

Saturday 15 September 2012

Tattoos and playing with the camera

When I found my camera there were some new pictures on it.

Farrahs finger, I believe..

Some hair and pajamas!

Oh and I got a tattoo this weekend. This is what it looks like. I'm so happy with it. I drew it myself and it turned out even better than I was expecting. But god, did it hurt a lot! Worth it in the end tho :)
And yes.. that is a barbie doll in the background... haha

Rugby and Shopping

I had Friday off so I spent the day with David, and in the evening we met up w/ the girls to watch my very first rugby game! Bay of Plenty Steamers vs Auckland, and we walked over them easy as :)
After that I went to a house party w/ David and we had a lot of fun. Had a big sleep in next morning, before meeting up w/ Julia, Anika, Rikke and Cecilie for some shopping. Good weekend!

That is an old picture but never mind.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Packages and sore feet

I woke up today with a foot that was so incredibly sore I couldn't even walk properly. Michelle had to take the kids to school cause I couldn't possibly drive. During the day, with the help of little walks and painkillers my foot recovered a little, still limping though..

But it doesn't really matter cause I got the lovelies package possible from my family! I was so happy I had tears in my eyes (and it was not only because of my painful foot!) and this is what I got.

And I got the sweetest necklace from my mum. So beautiful <3

Today wash such a beautiful day, nice and warm and I even had a sunbath. It's only been spring for about two weeks, but I still got a bit of a sunburn : D
Since I know my mum likes when I post pictures of myself I though I might do that today. Thank you so much mum, and thanks for everything Daddy, Anna and Jonas <3 love you all!


Play-Topia and Farrah

Went to PlayTopia with Farrah this Wednesday! She had a blast and when Kathi showed up with Molly (4) and Billy (2,5) it became even better :) Here's some pictures

 Happy kid!
 On the big bouncy slide!
 And the elephant ride..
 and the horse ride..
 Farrah and Molly trying the mini cars
 Kathi chasing little Billy..
 Molly, Billy and Farrah played great together
And me and Kathi had a good time too!

Cheers people :)