Thursday 20 September 2012

Baby Possum and Therapy Baking

We adopted a Baby Possum yesterday, he/she is really cute and hopefully we'll be able to keep him/her as a pet.

My newest mate!

This morning they called from Kindy, Farrah had fallen and hurt her arm badly. She's been with Michelle at hospital in Whakatane, and then moved to Tauranga and is currently in surgery. I've been so worried about her, and before I know how things were going I just walked around not knowing what to do. So I started baking. And baking. It was a good therapy..

Here's some coconut tops and some check-board cookies. yum

And chocolate muffins with chocolate chips (made for lunchboxes) the girls helped me decorate them! Pretty, aye?

Then we went on daddy's tractor and played bus, MacLeay was the bus driver!

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