Saturday 1 September 2012

First day of spring and car accidents

We've had our first day of spring on this side of the globe. And I've had my first car accident.
It was not really a big thing but still kind of scary. When I was driving in about 100 km\h the concrete road suddenly changed to a gravel one.. So when I panicked and hit the breaks the car drifted out of my control. Can't really remember anything from when the car left the road to when it stopped, apart from that I saw an electric pole speeding towards my side window. 

Thankfully I didn't hit it, or anything else! And thank god I didn't have the kids in the car..
You don't want to find pieces of you car in the ditch..

Here's the pole I almost got smashed into.. and you can see my car tracks deep in the ground. 

But I'm not hurt and there is no need to worry about me. I'll even go to the doctor on Monday to make sure nothing's wrong. Even though I don't think the fee of 50$ (275kr) is gonna give me much.

What a day...



  1. Phew! I am so relieved that you are well!!! Your guardian angels have been at work saving you - good job! Much love from aunt Maria :)

    1. Yeah, I'm relieved as well! It wasn't really that bad in the end, but still scary enough..
      Thanks for your comment Maria! Hope everything is well with you and the family.
