Saturday 15 September 2012

Tattoos and playing with the camera

When I found my camera there were some new pictures on it.

Farrahs finger, I believe..

Some hair and pajamas!

Oh and I got a tattoo this weekend. This is what it looks like. I'm so happy with it. I drew it myself and it turned out even better than I was expecting. But god, did it hurt a lot! Worth it in the end tho :)
And yes.. that is a barbie doll in the background... haha


  1. Ja, det måste ha varit en spännande överraskning - party pics! Men AJ vad det ser smärtsamt ut med tatueringen! Vad innebär bilden du ritat? Jag ser den som en fjäder, en vacker sådan. Berätta gärna! Kramar från Moster

  2. Yep, new ones every time I leave the camera lying around. The picture is of a fern, which is one of the symbols of New Zealand. To me it symbolizes my NZ trip, which is my first step to independence. It's about how I'm finding myself over here, and how I want to make sure I bring 'myself' back to Sweden and don't forget what I've learnt over here. To reunite my past with my future, and encourage me to face my fear (being I am (or was more accurately) terribly afraid of needles!) In this country where no one knows me or have any expectations of me I can be whoever I want to. I can find out what I want to be like, and that feeling is something I want to bring back home. The fact that I drew it and went through with it shows me I can do anything really, as long as I set my mind to it :)

    that and more is what it means to me :P

  3. Fantastiskt!!! Så fint tänkt och så modigt av dig!!! Ditt vackra ormbunksblad kommer att vara med dig resten av ditt liv och påminna dig om ditt stora självständighetskliv på Nya Zealand. JÄTTEGRATTIS från Moster Maria!

  4. tack moster! I'm so pleased with it, and it feels good to know I'll keep it with me forever :)
