Wednesday 29 August 2012

Mexican and Swedish Documentaries

Yesterday I had dinner with Kathi and Julia at a Mexican restaurant that was called the Mexican. Apparently they had "tacos and tequila to die for" but I was driving so I guess I'll never know. Unless we go there again, which we probably will cause it was a quite nice place.

Then me and Kathi went to Pig&Whistle and shared a mudcake. Yum! After that we decided to go to Lavas. There we found some nice guys and got free drinks (coke since we were driving, but still) and played pool. Unfortunately these guys knew how to play so we lost pretty bad.. But we had fun so who cares?

We found this Tui (cheap beer) ad with different statements and then to the right it said "yeah right". This was my favorite!


Monday 27 August 2012

Coffee group and Farrah

Brought Farrah to one of the Coffee groups that Sandra organizes for the Au Pairs of Au Pair link. I was invited even though I'm not with any agency at all :)

We had a good time and Fararh impressed everyone with her speaking and cleverness, and abilities to do puzzles very well. I was so proud of her!

When we got home Farrah told me I was her best friend. I almost cried a little, that was so sweet! And when she was sitting in my lap she said to her mum that she didn't want to go to kindy tomorrow, she wanted to stay with Kicki. My lovely little monkey <3

Going out and bowling

I've had an awesome weekend!
Saturday I worked during the day and then went to town to meet up with Kathi and Rikke and have dinner and watch the All Blacks game.. When I got there everyone was completely drunk, apparently they started drinking at 4pm and Kathis hostmum had passed out before I even got there. Haha, and we had a great time! Didn't see too much of the game though but we crushed the Wallabies with 22 - 0 : )

Lava Bar! 

After a very good night at Lava bar, where I met my local friend David, we had a very calm Sunday. Then we went bowling! Me, Kathi, Rikke, Cecilie, Tom, Thore and Samire ^^

 Samira, Tom, Thore and Rikke
 Rikke had absolutely no voice, which was hilarious! (no offence love)
 Cecilie went for a drink and came back with a L&P, the "world famous in NZ" one ;)
 Kathi and me  <3
Rikke trying different bowling styles


Thanks for an awesome time people!  

Friday 24 August 2012

Parties and Dream rolls

Today has been a social day for the girls. Farra (3) went to a birthday party. It was a big success and now she's horribly tired and a bit grumpy. Marnie (6) went over to a friend during the time of the party (she didn't want to go to the party after all). MacLeay (8) has had a friend over and they have been playing beauty pageant. haha sadly I didn't get any pictures of that..

Here are my beautiful girls!
 Farrah ready to party!
 MacLeay changing her room into a beauty saloon 
And Marnie three minutes before she tips a glass of water over the entire table.

Oh, and I made some Swedish dream rolls (drömrulltårta) and it turned out really good! Think I'm going to have one before I leave for Rotorua today. Looking forward to see the All Blacks beat the Wallabies ^^


Decisions and ah!

A decision has been made, I'm staying home tonight.. Ah, that feels good, going out tomorrow anyways! And have the whole Sunday off :-) My life is awesome at the moment ^^

Thursday 23 August 2012

What a day and pictures

Today has been a looong day. I don't even know where to begin. Yesterday we found out that Meg, our lovely dog, has a tumor in her lungs. Since she was in a lot of pain, we had her put down today when the kids were at school. The whole evening yesterday was spent crying and talking to the kids about how she's going to be fine and that we will always remember her. It brought us closer together but I really miss Meggie!

I've worked for 8,5 hours today, and now I'm exhausted. The kids have been good, most of the time, but after all the turbulence involved with loosing a family member that's been here longer than two of the kids we have all been shaken and sad. I've been helping out best I can, but it's never easy.

The kids and I have played a lot today, and it has been a good day. Just terribly long and tiring. Now I can't decide whether to go to town and go out with the girls (meaning I have to drive back home in the middle of the night and can't drink anything) or stay here and have a few drinks and a early night.. decisions decisions..

But I have also been out on the bike today at my lunch break. It was awesome and I really needed to get away from everything and clear my mind. I took heaps of pictures as well ^^


Rest in peace Meg

You are in a better place, sweetheart. 

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Pictures from Rotorua and my lovely Taylor

I got some cool pictures from Rotorua this Monday

Good luck finding this in Sweden!

My pretty little Suzuki Swift. It's really a great car, cheap to drive and so cute! Mitchie calls it the 'Glue Sniffer', cause the licence plate is GLU 95. But I've named her Taylor (as in Taylor Swift).

Love Kicki!

Kids show and Mondays

On Sunday the girls put up a show for me and Michelle. They practiced all day, meaning I had to listen to "call me maybe" about 27 times.. While the big girls were dancing and singing I made some paintings with Farrah. She's getting really good at coloring! 

Here are some pictures from the show.

I've got some pretty cute kids, aye? (That's Marnie, MacLeay and Lucretia)

I had to work this weekend, but then I got Monday off which was great. I had a sleep in, (thank god, I really needed that) and then went to town to meet up with a new local friend of mine. He showed me around Rotorua and we went to the Museum and the Lava Bar! We had an awesome night, has to be my best Monday here in NZ so far. We also went to this really cool restaurant up on the top of a hill, that had a view of Rotorua and the lake with surroundings. I'll take you there to watch the sunset Anna! ;)


Saturday 18 August 2012

Wall climbing and Sleepovers

Today I and Michelle took the girls to Rotorua. I went with the kids to "The Wall" and Mitche went grocery shopping. We had a good time and the kids were great! Then we had lunch at the Kiwi Ale house, and as a true Swede I had rosemary and cheese meatballs! Yum :)

After this big event the girls fell asleep in the car. MacLeay was the one who managed to stay awake the longest.

That's just soo cute!
In the evening we are having a sleepover, in the couch: MacLeay, Lucritia, Sahara, Marnie, and Farrah on the blanket. Lucritia and Sahara are friends of my girls from School, really sweet kids!

Now I'm off to bed too, mustn't forget my evening medication! Which I was about to do, typically me... 

Cheers mates!

Sleepy cats and feeling better.

Last Tuesday I felt very bad and my shoulders and neck were so stiff I couldn't turn my head. Bending made my head pound and I had a fever. So Michelle sent me to the doctor and I got antibiotics for two weeks. Now I feel a lot better so no worries! And thankfully I've had a very calm week. Even the pets have been very sleepy and calm ^^

MacLeay and Meggie

Climbing cats and funny dances

The other day I woke up to find the cat in a tree outside my window.

The proud tree climber!

In the evening Farrah and Marnie were shaking it to "call me maybe" I'm so glad I caught it on tape!
Cute, aye? :D

Friday 17 August 2012

Bonfires and board games

Yesterday me and the kids made our own board game. It was fun and involved a lot of drawing, writing notes and cutting paper. We played the game too and it turned out pretty good :D

Today has been a doing Nothing day :) I missed out on an Awesome birthday party for Rikke, but felt that I really needed to spend this evening at home with the family. We went to a big as bonfire at another farm down the road. It was fun to meet a lot of new people and see how everyone turned up to the event. A real farmers village spirit.

Now I'm very tired and need rest before taking the girls to the climbing wall in Rotorua tomorrow.
Cheers everyone!

Sunday 12 August 2012

Polynesian Spas and Goodbye Dinners

Saturday morning I went to the Polynesian Spa in Rotorua. It's apparently one of the worlds top ten spas, but I only went to the cheapest "family pool" so I guess I didn't really experience the world famous part. It was lovely all the same, with smelly mineral water at 34 degrees and another cooler pool (I'd say around 25-30).

The two really hot pools.
The pool that was a little cooler.

Since I was there in the morning the pools were empty when I came. Then people started to drop in but it was never crowded. 

In the evening we all met up at Annas place to say goodbye and have dinner with her family and half the neighborhood :) It was very nice but I'm sad that Anna is going. I'm going to miss you <3

Nice weather and accidents

We had awesomely nice weather last Friday! Got the afternoon of and before I went to Rotorua to have some errands mad, have dinner with Thore and go out with the girls I decided to take to motorbike for a ride.

It was lovely and I was driving around on the grass, on and off the track, until suddenly I realize I have driven into a "swamp". It was maybe 5 times 5 meters of grass covered in water and mud, and the motorbike stopped and started sinking. The engine died and when I put my feet down they sank at least two decimeter before I reached some kind of solidness. Desperately I tried to push the bike forward but with no success. I decided to try to pull it backwards instead and used all the energy I had to try to wobble it out of there. Then it fell over, right into the mud. I had no phone with me, and it would probably take me 15 minutes to walk home from where I were so I had no choice than to try again. I finally got it standing up again and somehow managed to pull it out. Afterwards I lay panting in the grass for a while, my pants all muddy and adrenaline rushing in my veins. In the bottom left corner you can see part of the mud that I got stuck in..

Thankfully I could start the bike without too much problem and continue my trip down to the river. There I found a perfect place to lay down in the sun and recover!

We had a great night out and I stayed at a backpackers which was nice.

Farrah and Ice Creams

I went to Rotorua with Mithcie and Farrah, and after a long day in town Farrah got an ice cream to eat in the car on the way home. Result:

Yum yum!

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Mt Manganui and room mates

Went on a lovely trip to Mt Manganui in Tauranga with Anna, Rikke and Julia last Saturday. We walked all the way around it and had a nice time doing so. Here are some pics of that trip.

I have a new room mate as well. Here is a picture of her. Her name is Flossy and she is very cute, as you can see.
She peed in my suitcase, which was a bad start for our room mate agreement, but since then she's been good. She always follows me out when I go to my place and sleeps in my bed. For some reason she seems to think my face is a comfortable pillow, and I tend to disagree.. But she is completely adorable and it's is always nice with some company.
