Wednesday 22 August 2012

Kids show and Mondays

On Sunday the girls put up a show for me and Michelle. They practiced all day, meaning I had to listen to "call me maybe" about 27 times.. While the big girls were dancing and singing I made some paintings with Farrah. She's getting really good at coloring! 

Here are some pictures from the show.

I've got some pretty cute kids, aye? (That's Marnie, MacLeay and Lucretia)

I had to work this weekend, but then I got Monday off which was great. I had a sleep in, (thank god, I really needed that) and then went to town to meet up with a new local friend of mine. He showed me around Rotorua and we went to the Museum and the Lava Bar! We had an awesome night, has to be my best Monday here in NZ so far. We also went to this really cool restaurant up on the top of a hill, that had a view of Rotorua and the lake with surroundings. I'll take you there to watch the sunset Anna! ;)


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