Wednesday 8 August 2012

Internet and Olympics

Today (about five minutes ago) we finally got the Internet working again. After almost two weeks that feels great!

I will upload a couple of pictures from my camera and try to remember what day they are from, so hopefully that will summarize the last two weeks.
Friday two weeks ago we met at Cecilies place to watch LOTR, eat fish and chips, ice cream, cookies, candy, chocolate, fruit salad(!), more lollies and some more chocolate. Unfortunately did I feel really sick and had a fever so I spent most night undere to blankets on the sofa, shaking and freezing. When I went up  to go to the bathroom I fainted and the girls heard me fall and came running o help me. They were really sweet and Sabrina knew what to do which was very comforting. Instead of going to the hospital as they suggested I insisted to go to bed. When I woke up I felt way better, but I'm so glad that the girls where there for me. Lots of love, Rotorua-girls <3
That day I went with the girls and we met Sandra (the au pair links "outings organizer") and a lot of girls, an one boy, from Tauranga to go wall-climbing. Obviously I didn't climb anything, but I felt to weak to drive all the 45 minutes home, so wallclimbing it was. We had fun though, here is a pic of the au pairs, the ones up to the right is the ones from Rotorua (and them me to the bottom left).

That Sunday I din't do much, because I still felt pretty bad.

Monday Farrah stayed home from kindy and we had a very nice day. The weather was great (to be winter and all) and we went out to look at some newborn calves.

Cute aye?

Now I'm going to watch the girls Olympic day at school, more updates are coming!

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