Friday 24 August 2012

Parties and Dream rolls

Today has been a social day for the girls. Farra (3) went to a birthday party. It was a big success and now she's horribly tired and a bit grumpy. Marnie (6) went over to a friend during the time of the party (she didn't want to go to the party after all). MacLeay (8) has had a friend over and they have been playing beauty pageant. haha sadly I didn't get any pictures of that..

Here are my beautiful girls!
 Farrah ready to party!
 MacLeay changing her room into a beauty saloon 
And Marnie three minutes before she tips a glass of water over the entire table.

Oh, and I made some Swedish dream rolls (drömrulltårta) and it turned out really good! Think I'm going to have one before I leave for Rotorua today. Looking forward to see the All Blacks beat the Wallabies ^^


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