Saturday 18 August 2012

Wall climbing and Sleepovers

Today I and Michelle took the girls to Rotorua. I went with the kids to "The Wall" and Mitche went grocery shopping. We had a good time and the kids were great! Then we had lunch at the Kiwi Ale house, and as a true Swede I had rosemary and cheese meatballs! Yum :)

After this big event the girls fell asleep in the car. MacLeay was the one who managed to stay awake the longest.

That's just soo cute!
In the evening we are having a sleepover, in the couch: MacLeay, Lucritia, Sahara, Marnie, and Farrah on the blanket. Lucritia and Sahara are friends of my girls from School, really sweet kids!

Now I'm off to bed too, mustn't forget my evening medication! Which I was about to do, typically me... 

Cheers mates!

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