Monday 27 August 2012

Going out and bowling

I've had an awesome weekend!
Saturday I worked during the day and then went to town to meet up with Kathi and Rikke and have dinner and watch the All Blacks game.. When I got there everyone was completely drunk, apparently they started drinking at 4pm and Kathis hostmum had passed out before I even got there. Haha, and we had a great time! Didn't see too much of the game though but we crushed the Wallabies with 22 - 0 : )

Lava Bar! 

After a very good night at Lava bar, where I met my local friend David, we had a very calm Sunday. Then we went bowling! Me, Kathi, Rikke, Cecilie, Tom, Thore and Samire ^^

 Samira, Tom, Thore and Rikke
 Rikke had absolutely no voice, which was hilarious! (no offence love)
 Cecilie went for a drink and came back with a L&P, the "world famous in NZ" one ;)
 Kathi and me  <3
Rikke trying different bowling styles


Thanks for an awesome time people!  

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