Sunday 12 August 2012

Nice weather and accidents

We had awesomely nice weather last Friday! Got the afternoon of and before I went to Rotorua to have some errands mad, have dinner with Thore and go out with the girls I decided to take to motorbike for a ride.

It was lovely and I was driving around on the grass, on and off the track, until suddenly I realize I have driven into a "swamp". It was maybe 5 times 5 meters of grass covered in water and mud, and the motorbike stopped and started sinking. The engine died and when I put my feet down they sank at least two decimeter before I reached some kind of solidness. Desperately I tried to push the bike forward but with no success. I decided to try to pull it backwards instead and used all the energy I had to try to wobble it out of there. Then it fell over, right into the mud. I had no phone with me, and it would probably take me 15 minutes to walk home from where I were so I had no choice than to try again. I finally got it standing up again and somehow managed to pull it out. Afterwards I lay panting in the grass for a while, my pants all muddy and adrenaline rushing in my veins. In the bottom left corner you can see part of the mud that I got stuck in..

Thankfully I could start the bike without too much problem and continue my trip down to the river. There I found a perfect place to lay down in the sun and recover!

We had a great night out and I stayed at a backpackers which was nice.

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