Monday 9 July 2012

Auckland airport and jet lag

Hi everyone!

Now I'm at the airport in Auckland, waiting for my domestic flight to Whakatane. I cannot describe how good it felt to sleep in a bed after 30 hours of traveling and on top of everything a night without sleep (pretty much) before I left. It might seem strange not to sleep before one travel but I figured that if I hadn't slept all night I might have an easier time falling asleep on the plane. Ha ha ha, bad idea. Note to self: you can not sleep on planes dumbass! (more than possibly a couple of hours in total)

Anyway, I'm jetlaggin pretty bad, but it could have been worse. I actually got two-three hours sleep last night and tonight I will get more sleep hopefully.

I hope you enjoyed my tired post about sleeping...
 Goodnight people


  1. Lovely to hear, hope you slept MARVELLOUSLY well after this long exhausting journey!

  2. I slept like a child, but I can't seem to stay asleep for too long somehow. My jet-lag is slowly passing but towards the evenings I become a zombie, haha. Fell asleep on the floor beside the couch at seven today!
