Friday 6 July 2012

Chilling and Free Baileys

Sunday we were all a little tired from the Pride festival and we decided to spend our last day derping around having fun. Here are some derp-pictures, just for fun:

First we have me trying out my aiming skills. I ended up with more water on the outside than on the inside, but it was very warm outside so it was actually not too bad.
Anna tried to do the same thing, and I just want to take a moment to point out that she failed even more miserably than me! Yay, maybe?

Here we are messing around at the river in Madrid. I constantly forget its name, but if you are interested I'm quite sure you can google it. In the background, to the left, you can see Palacio Royal (the royal palace, obviously).

Then of course, we had to eat ice-cream. The result was very colored tongues, and a lot of laughter. But to be fair, it doesn't take much to make me laugh.

 That evening we had our last supper together in Madrid, at no other place than Plaza Mayor! The food was great but the drinks were better.

Here we met another very nice waiter who even gave us Baileys on the house! To the left is the yummiest Mjito I ever tasted, those Baileys were also tasty. But then again, when are free drinks not the tastiest? 

Sometimes it pays off to be blonde!

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