Friday 20 July 2012

Rotorua and SD-cards

So I went to Rotorua today with Mitchie and Farrah, and ate the best Sushi of my life. We also got the strings to the guitar fixed, and I bought a new SD-card and an external SD-card reader, meaning.. I can upload pictures again! so here are a few.
 Farrah having a well earned bottle of warm chocolate after a long day in town! My sweetheart <3
 Flossy, being silly as ever, had just climbed up my leg to try to catch my shirt.. Sigh
 The woodshed because.. well, I wanted to try out the camera and had to get some wood for the fire.. 
 Our cows, and the mountains in the back.
 Meggie! Cute little Meg came with me to the woodshed. She is really the cutest and most annoying dog ever
 My accommodation, with the doors open to get some fresh air. Oh crap, it's ten pm and they are still open!
Here is just another picture of the stunning view! All that is not the bush is part of the farm, crazy aye?



  1. How lovely to see pictures of where you are! It is so beautiful and green, even though it is still winter. Great mountains for a backdrop. Can you go skiing there or somewhere close?

  2. Yeah, it feels great to be able to upload pictures, finally! I was invited to go skiing with Jimmy (my host-dad) and some of his friends, but since I have a cold and walked around sneezing all day I figured that it might be a bad idea to go snowboarding.. Next time though!

    1. Wise decision, you'll have plenty more chances to snow-board...
      Today the sun finally decided to show up and Johanna and I bicycled to Grandma to visit. Everything's fine with her and Bine. We had a very pleasant afternoon together, as always with Bodil! However the cherries we planned to pick were already eaten by birds - talk about a short season, it's over in a week! Oh well, the muffins were also tasty...
      I hope your cold will give up on you sometime soon. Love from Maria :)

    2. Yes, I think they are going again in a month or so. That sounds great! A shame that there were no cherries left, they are really tasty. I'm already feeling better, thanks.
      Love Kicki :)

  3. Fin bebis! Fler bilder på bebisar? :D

    1. Haha har inte sa manga bebisbilder an... men det kommer med tiden antar jag :) har en sot bild fran Rainbow springs som jag tankte ladda upp i det gamla inlagget!
