Monday 23 July 2012

Motorcycles and Jacuzzi

Today it has been raining all day. After vacuuming almost the entire house I decided to take a trip on the farm, on the motorbike!
It was sooo fun and I was smiling like a lunatic the whole time. The roads (or paths to be correct) were wet and slippery and sometimes so steep that I thought I was going to start going backwards. I haven't driven a motorcycle in over a year, but I didn't fall even once. Impressive if you ask me :)

Here are some pictures of my little lunch-adventure.

Left the bike to run up a too steep hill and take a picture.
 Happy Kicki

 The yellow spot is the remaining pieces of a not so lucky white water rafting boat.
Some cows (young ones) curious about what I was up to.

As has been requested, here is another picture of Farrah, wearing some things I made her and playing with the iPad.


  1. Wow, looks like so much fun! Good job not falling off, when you haven't driven a motorcycle for a year and in this challenging terrain! It's by the way excellent that you DO know how to drive a motorcycle, this opportunity would have been lost on me...I'm also glad to hear your cold has gotten better. Your surroundings look like they are good for your health, they are just beautiful!

  2. Vilken storslagen och omväxlande natur du har där borta! Är det förresten många ord (liknande bush/forest-exemplet) som skiljer sig från "engelsk engelska"?

