Saturday 14 July 2012

Rain and Driving

So today I went driving with Jimmy. It was fun but very confusing, hehe. I always had to think like I was turning left when I turned right and vice versa. But I'll get the hang of it. Haven't gotten to any roundabouts yet, those ought to be interesting since you are supposed to drive clockwise!

Anyways, today's been a great and rainy day. The kids are away at a birthday party and now Jimmy and Mitchie went over there for a BBQ. I'm starting to get sick, with a sore throat and coughing. Just like the kids have been all week. So it's at least not unexpected. Soon I will go out to my accommodation, crawl into my electrically heated bed and watch LOTR :D hurray, thanks dad for making that possible! :)


  1. I love your blog, Kicki! Driving on the left side sounds very difficult, everything is to be done the "wrong" way, as in a mirror...I wonder how long it takes to get used to it, and how long it takes to get back to the old ways when you come home again? By the way, Oscar and Jonas are going to the same driving lecture on Monday in Lund, which Bengt and I will also attend in order to be "driving teachers"...The boys can´t wait to get behind the wheel!
    I'm sorry to hear that you've caught a cold. hope you feel better by now. Lots of ginger tea with honey in is my recommendation!
    Love from Aunt Maria :)

    1. Thanks Maria! :)
      So they are starting to get on the road? Maybe it's a good thing I'm far away in New Zealand.. Haha, just kidding, at least they will be driving at the right side of the road!
      I've been drinking ridiculous amounts of tea! And a lot of coffee to stay awake aswell ;)
      Love Kicki

  2. PS. And watching Lord of the Rings sounds like a very good way to get well soon! :)

  3. I hope you're feeling better today! We might have about the same type of weather, it's raining heavily and will continue all night and all day tomorrow...Oscar is staying at your house with Jonas, having a good time probably involving a screen of some kind... Johanna, Bengt and I are headed for bed - it's past midnight. It's so cosy to fall asleep to the sound of rain tapping on the windows! We think of you. Good night!

    1. That is cozy indeed! but not quite as cozy when you stay in a "shed" and it's raining so heavily that the walls are shaking.. I had to put my headset on to block out the sound and be able to watch my movie! But it was an experience all the same :) sleep tight.
