Wednesday 18 July 2012

Working and being sick

yesterday I had my first real workday including on my own driving the kids to school! Now I have to mention that I have only been driving in this country two times before, which made me a little nervous.. But it went perfectly well. I did not know exactly where the school was so the girls helped me. I have been feeling a bit under the weather though and when I woke up today I thought: oh crap! Pounding headache and sore throat, Great.
But Mitchie sent me off to bed after I drove the kids to school in the very beautiful morning frost, and I have had a very relaxed and chilled morning. Now it's my "lunch break" and I've been looking for tickets to the Rhythm and Vines festival that Me and Anna are going to this New Year. It's gonna be so much fun!
I'll buy a new SD-card for my camera tomorrow and an "external SD-card reader" (thanks for the fancy name dad) so I can start uploading pictures!
I had a great skype-date with my wonderful family yesterday!! Or well, the skype part didn't really work that well (bad internet connection) but the good company compensated big time :)
Bye bye


  1. Congratulations on your first working day! Well done! The concert sounds fun, something to look forward to! Johanna just gave me some chocolate pudding. Have a great day!

    1. Thank you! :) I just booked the tickets 20 seconds ago, I'm so exited! Chocolate pudding sounds jummy! Me and the girls made chocolate balls the Swedish version) the other day.. very appreciated!
