Sunday 22 July 2012

Birthday-parties and chocolate balls

Yesterday was great!
I went out and met Julia who is an Au Pair for a family that is dairy farmers as well. We had a great Indian dinner and then went to Pig&Whistle (pub) and met a couple of Aucklanders who tried to teach us about the difference between league rugby and union rugby.. Apparently it's cooler to play union x)
Then the other girls came and we had a great evening. Me and Julia were driving home so we left when the others went to the Lava Bar. I was so tired when I drove home that drove past the house and continued for almost 10 minutes before I even realized it. But otherwise it went well, being my first time driving home from Rotorua and all.

Then I woke up at nine this morning and Mitchie needed to go out to the farm because they had some problem and got more than 10 new calves today! I stepped in an watched the girls, including MacLeays friends who had spend the night (she had a sleepover party) from nine to four. We had a busy day and made chocolate balls, and I have never experienced any girls being more messy than these girls. :) There were chocolate everywhere, and sprinkles and coconut and I don't even know what. But it was fun, and MacLeay was happy, so I call it a successful day.

I'm too tired to be uploading any pictures, but tomorrow I would love to go out on the farm on the motorbike and take some pictures :)

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