Thursday 12 July 2012

Rotorua and Bag returned

Now I'm at an internet cafe in the smelly city of Rotorua!

I'll be able to upload some pictures, and add some to earlier posts, so that's nice.

Tonight I'm gonna meet up with some of the other Au Pairs from nearby, and we will hopefully have a great time. Everyone here is so friendly and welcoming! I got a ride to Rotorua from Michelles brother and he helped me find the bank I was looking for to get a new account started.

Oh, and by the way.. I got my bag back! I was playing operation with Marnie (who had been upset over a fight with her sister and cousin) to cheer her up. At the same time I kept Farrah busy with doing a puzzle (she has done the same puzzle at least 10 times a day since I got here) when suddenly a van stopped beside the house. So I got out and a very friendly deliveryman asked if I had lost a bag, and tadaaa! I was so happy to get my things back :)

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